
Tuvalu 51 AKA Seaquatoria

In these tumultuous times, amid the looming threat of chaos, we, the refugees, the justice-seekers, and the modern slaves, declare:

In this era of uncertainty, there is no turning back. We must confront what lies ahead—the impending end of everything we know. We must provide our children with refuge to shield them from suffering.

We propose the creation of a new floating state, fashioned from redesigned WWII Phoenix caissons, interlinked to form enduring and cost-effective floating platforms for the construction of cities and farms.

This state shall bear the name of Tuvalu, the first sovereign state to succumb to climate change and rising sea levels. This signifies our hope that should our demands be met, it might become the 51st state of the USA.

We envision this state possessing a constitution similar to Texas’s and reviving the spirit of the United States’ founding principles.

Our goal is to welcome all climate, political, and economic refugees without discrimination, placing this state under the protection of the remaining free world.

This state will be a “gun-free” zone, with lethal weapons reserved exclusively for legitimate armed forces to safeguard against external threats. The use of lethal arms for maintaining order, except when dealing with illegal armed groups, will be strictly prohibited. The legitimate armed forces will always be accompanied by civilian service members trained to prevent abuses and facilitate negotiations.

We advocate for mandatory civilian service. Every able adult citizen shall engage in mandatory civilian service when unemployed or on probation for a maximum of 18 hours weekly. For all other citizens and newcomers, a minimum of 2 hours weekly will be required. This unpaid work will serve the community, replacing the archaic concept of mandatory military service.

Civilian service may encompass various tasks, including combatting online hatred and misinformation. Newcomers may be tasked with addressing online hatred and misinformation, particularly those originating from entities hostile to the free world, with a specific focus on terrorist organizations, under the supervision and screening of the intelligence community. Exceptionally skilled individuals may be recruited by the intelligence community, adhering to part-time employment rules. In contrast, those found to be affiliated with terrorist organizations or hostile intelligence services will be denied refugee status.

We endorse work-sharing as a fundamental principle: “Share and Live, or Keep and Die.” The maximum weekly working time in Tuvalu 51 shall not exceed 18 hours, ensuring everyone works part-time. Full-time work will only be allowed when there are insufficient qualified workers for part-time positions or in emergencies like hospitals when full-time work may be temporarily necessary. This approach promotes job opportunities, healthier lifestyles, and greater resilience in crises.

Part-time work as the standard can also reduce waste and overconsumption, as part-time workers have more time to focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling.

Furthermore, it allows for improved education for children and adults, as part-time workers have additional time for self-improvement and education.

Tuvalu 51 embodies hope and resilience, driven by the paradigm shift of part-time work as a rule, coupled with marine habitats. This approach, especially essential in a post-Covid world, requires dividing teams and production in companies and institutions to avoid overcrowding and ensure safety. The development of marine habitats becomes imperative to cushion the impact of this production reduction on tax revenues.

Marine habitats will offer unconditional refuge to refugees and distressed populations, a pressing need in the future. Participation in part-time work will be a condition for their reception.

To preserve tax revenues and effectively manage health and climate crises, pioneer countries supporting Tuvalu 51’s vision can maintain economic stability by distributing economic activity equally between the continent and the ocean.

We emphasize sharing resources, knowledge, and space to survive and thrive in this new paradigm. “Share and Live, or Keep and Die” is the guiding motto of Tuvalu 51, applicable even to space conquest.

Tuvalu 51 aims to promote global job sharing, recognizing that a world with five billion part-time workers offers more market opportunities and superior resilience against pandemics and crises than the pre-Covid world. Part-time work is not only business-friendly but the key to preserving civilization.

We are committed to protecting the rights of women and children. Shocking statistics reveal high rates of incest and sexual assault, primarily against women and girls. In Tuvalu 51, children under 15 will be raised in restricted-access areas led by women’s councils, with adult males tolerated only if they have no history of misconduct or domestic violence, subject to the women’s council’s approval. Individuals reported or convicted of rape, attempted rape, domestic violence, or threatening behavior can be banned from these areas.

Educational facilities, including schools and sports centers, will be situated adjacent to these “women-ruled” areas and have restricted access.

Public health is a priority in Tuvalu 51. Substance consumption, psychoactive or not, will be regulated with reasonable limits or prohibitions. The concept of “lifetime consumption” will be introduced, based on individual tolerance, ensuring community health. Technology and artificial intelligence will aid in defining health risks and associating barcodes with substance content.

We will protect our raw materials by reserving at least ten percent of all imports for strategic storage in floating caissons designated for space conquest.

We will employ innovative approaches to protect against asteroids, gamma bursts, and universal cooling to prepare for space exploration. These measures include thick protective layers of water and concrete and utilizing space resources for sustenance.

Tuvalu 51 intends to thrive on the ocean surface, focusing on areas less susceptible to cyclones. Our industry will rely on marine renewable energies, and we will implement a carbon fee and dividend system akin to Canada’s to support our sustainable practices.

We propose a new paradigm to combat the dominance of “Made in China.” By welcoming refugees and offering them part-time work to foster education and skill development, we aim to create a middle-class revolution, building a global workforce with increased market potential and economic resilience.

Tuvalu 51 will negotiate with the Tuvalu Islands government, the UK government, the US government, the European Union, and the United Nations to realize our vision of becoming a floating state that promotes job sharing on a worldwide scale.

We believe in strengthening the relationship between the intelligence community and the general population. Citizens will actively contribute to intelligence efforts, while the intelligence community will involve the public in decision-making and oversight. Together, we will combat online hatred and misinformation, focusing on the free world’s security.

In our judicial system, we aspire to abolish the prison system and prison labor worldwide, along with the death penalty. Criminals will be sent to a floating factory called “Gehenna” to collect and recycle oceanic plastic. This initiative will allow them to earn income, compensate their victims, and contribute to environmental conservation.

Tuvalu 51 will prioritize probation for minor offenses, ensuring that criminals rehabilitate and make reparations for their actions. We believe in offering second chances, except for severe crimes, and will maintain strict recidivism prevention measures.

To improve relations between law enforcement and the public, we will require justifications for arrests and identity checks, with compensation for unjustified incidents. Resisting arrest without explanation will result in fines proportional to the number of agents present. The presumption of innocence will be upheld, and unreasonable arrests will result in compensation.

In Tuvalu 51, harm to a person or property must occur for an act to be considered an offense. When self-harm

is involved, medical protection and supervision will be offered. In cases where harm to others or property is possible but has not occurred, repeated dangerous behavior may be considered an offense.

Tuvalu 51 is founded on hope, shared responsibility, and a commitment to a more equitable and sustainable future for all.